StederBelgian Congo

Værker (31)

The African republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo af Harvard African Expedition,
De Belgen in Congo af G.D. Périer
Belgian Congo af Ivan Terence Sanderson
The Belgian Congo and the Berlin act af Arthur Berriedale Keith
Blaze of Love af Denise Robins
The Coburgs of Belgium af Theo Aronson
Congo Jazz [1930 short film] af Hugh Harman
The Congo Venus af Matthew Head
Congo, my country af Patrice Lumumba
Contributions to the Herpetology of the Belgian Congo (Facsimile Reprints in Herpetology) af Karl Patterson Schmidt
Crazy Cruise [1942 animated short film] af Tex Avery
The Death Guard af Philip George Chadwick
Devil Darling Spy af Matt Killeen
The Devil in the Bush af Matthew Head
General History of Africa VII: Africa Under Colonial Domination, 1880-1935 af A. Adu Boahen
General History of Africa. Volume 8 : Africa Since 1935 af Ali A. Mazrui
Great Britain and the Congo: The Pillage of the Congo Basin af E. D. Morel
Heart of Darkness and Other Tales (Oxford World's Classics) af Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer af Joseph Conrad
King Leopold's Legacy: The Congo Under Belgian Rule 1908-1960 af Roger Anstey
Lumumba Speaks: The Speeches and Writings of Patrice Lumumba, 1958-1961 af Patrice Lumumba
Mimi and Toutou Go Forth: The Bizarre Battle of Lake Tanganyika af Giles Foden
Mørkets hjerte af Joseph Conrad
National Geographic Magazine 1952 v101 #3 March af Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor
Negro Art in Belgian Congo af Leon Kochnitzky
Primitive Negro art, chiefly from the Belgian Congo af Stewart Culin
A Private War: An American Code Officer in the Belgian Congo af Robert Laxalt
Selling the Congo: A History of European Pro-Empire Propaganda and the Making of Belgian Imperialism af Matthew G. Stanard
Tintin i Congo af Hergé
Whatever Happened to Tanganyika?: The Place Names that History Left Behind af Harry Campbell
With Naked Foot af Emily Hahn